Soundfirm invests in Colorfront for DolbyAtmos DCP Mastering

Soundfirm have invested in Colorfront’s Transkoder for the creation of DCPs in both Sydney and Melbourne, in a move that centralises deliverables on all feature film projects undertaken by the facility.

Colorfront recent announced that it’s Transkoder platform has been certified by Dolby Laboratories for the creation of DolbyAtmos Digital Cinema Packages (DCPs).  Soundfirm run Australia’s first and only DolbyAtmos mix stage at their Melbourne Facility.

With the expansion of the Transkoder’s toolset to include support for Dolby’s object-based audio format, post production studios can now leverage Transkoder’s extreme performance to create DolbyAtmos DCPs at up to ten-times faster-than-realtime, making Transkoder a reliable, cost-effective and feature-rich alternative to other systems.

Soundfirm CEO Roger Savage said, “In Melbourne we offer Australia’s only Dolby Atmos Mixing and Mastering stage. Now with Colorfront’s Dolby-certified Transkoder in the workflow, we can power our way to final 2K and 4K DCPs, including a full Dolby Atmos sound mix and subtitles. This continues our tradition of working at the vanguard of cinema innovation.”

